Sunday, April 26, 2009

Who knew???

While at WalMart last week I bought popsicle makers for like 2 bucks. So yesterday I filled them up with coke and froze them and the kids are loving it! My son eats pop-ice like there's no tomorrow, so I thought why not try to make homemade popsicles. Anyone out there have any recipes on popsicle's they would like to share? All I can think of are lemonade, juice and coke popsicle's.

I was also eyeing a counter top ice cream maker. I've never worked with one of those but it looks fairly simple. I have a chocolate hazelnut gelato recipe that I'm itchin' to try!


longrooffan said...

when I was a kid in the 60's, mom used to freeze Kool Aid. Glad to see you are back.

Horse-farmer said...

totally agreed with longroof, mom may us kool aid ones, fun to mix colors sometimes too. also lemonade, although that gets bitter real quick

of course there were ten of us kids and we didn't get soda much.