Sunday, April 5, 2009

If Santa Claus only knew

My daughter who is the oldest of my two kids, is 9 years old. And as of this past Christmas, still believes in Santa Claus (wow..I know huh??). She told me that for Easter, she wants a cell phone. My first thought was "oh hell no, she didn't just go there", so I asked my bright child as to why she thought she needed as cell phone. And to my surprise she blurted that a couple of girls in her class have one. Please tell me that I'm not the only parent out there that thinks giving a 9 year old a cell phone is BEYOND retarded. Why are some parents so hell bound on making their children grow up so fast? Why can't kids be kids? My god she just now got the confidence to take the training wheels off of her bike. When I was 9 years old, all I wanted was a 10 speed bike and roller skates with the big pom poms that tied on the top.

Needless to say that my husband and I agreed that we think the Easter bunny is going to bring our children IPod shuffles with preloaded music on them from our kids Kids Bop collection. If Santa only knew.....


Anonymous said...

My 7 year old wants a cell phone as well but I've told him he will not be getting one yet. Besides, at the moment he can't hear. I probably will be getting him one at an age that I think is too young, but it's kind of a safety thing because of the hearing problem. I'll want him to have it because before he got sick he could hear better on cell phones anyway, and he'll be able to text on a cell phone, which will make it easier for him. But he's certainly not getting one now, and when he does get one it will be very limited as to what it can do! Had he not just lost his hearing because of bacterial meningitis, then I probably wouldn't even be considering a cell phone, but it's a bit different now.

The day tripper said...

I totally see your point. And I'm so sorry to hear about his condition. I remember seeing him on your blog riding a skateboard. Right now when Alexis goes to her friends house that is the last house on our block, she gets a kick out of using our walkie talkies.

California Girl said...

I got nuthin' on this one. I don't have kids [those eggs inside me are saying a HUGE thank you!] so my advice on kids is coming from a different perspective. But sheesh - nine years old? I do wish it would go back to the good ole days of actually playing outside and having fun with our friends than cell phones and even more grown up stuff. Good Luck!

Angel said...

Well, I gotta say I have a ten year old girl and she does have cell phone priviliges, very limited priviliges, but nonetheless. I prefer her to have an independent means of communication to me if a situation arises that makes her uncomfortable. Now her phone is for use only when she is away from home: overnights, camps, etc. She is very responsible with it and she has used it to call me to come to the mommy rescue. (nothing extreme, just people visiting friends that made her uncomfortable) She would probably not have called me if she had to ask the family to use their phone. Better safe than sorry.
If your kids are into alot of after school or away from home activities I recommend a phone for use in those times only.