Friday, October 31, 2008

Taking some time off...

I know that I haven't posted anything in a VERY long time. But due to some personal problems and 6 weeks of school left, I'm quitting the blog business for a bit.

I will keep this blog and everything with it, I just won't be posting anything further for awhile.

Take care to all that have come in and shared their thoughts and feelings, and those who just came in for a peek. When I return, I am hoping that I'll be licensed and firmly planted where I need to be in the direction that I need to be going in. And maybe a tad more funny!

Take care........


California Girl said...

I'll keep positive thoughts going your way that you get through this time in your life, you get through school and you get established somewhere wonderful. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

Ok...good luck!

mama biscuit said...

Best of luck in your final weeks of school.

I'll be checking back frequently.